Planning a trip to your favourite holiday destination soon? Did you get travel insurance yet? Travel insurance is extremely important, no matter where you travel. It helps you to cover up a wide range of problems – from flight delays to personal accidents. Your travel insurance should cover your necessities. A lot of people often buy a cheap policy, only to regret later. The affordability should not be the only factor when you look for travel insurance. Here is a list of things you need to look for when you want the best travel insurance Singapore.
1. Frequency of travel
There are a lot of you who might travel throughout the year, while some might travel for a single time. The frequency of travel is a key factor when it comes to choosing a travel insurance plan in Singapore. For a frequent flyer, it is better to opt for an annual policy than to buy insurance for each and every trip individually. It is more cost-effective and takes less effort. For people who do not fly a lot, single trip insurance is enough.
2. Covering acts of terrorism
The world is an unsafe place, and as you fly from Singapore to different places, you never know what awaits you. Do not be scared, but do be prepared. If you are travelling to any place that does not have a proper security system, it is better to get an insurance policy that covers acts of terrorism. When you are getting travel insurance, make sure that it covers all kinds of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.
3. Choosing a family policy
In case you have a big family, and your family needs to travel often, it is better to get a family policy than an individual travel policy. It will be more cost-effective and will keep your family safe from all kinds of adversities. You need to do extra research if you have senior citizens in your family. Keep an eye out for the age limits in travel insurance in order to keep them insured. There are a lot of options as family travel insurance policies are available both for annually as well as for a single trip.
4. Covering Expensive equipment
In case you are travelling with a lot of expensive equipment, you must get travel insurance that covers it all. In case it gets lost or stolen, you need to be prepared. Several travel insurances have a value limit per item. You have to check it properly in order to ensure that you get one that is enough to cover the entire cost of the item. Valuable equipment can be anything – from expensive smartphones to laptops.
5. Covers cancellation
A lot of you buy travel insurance on the day of your departure from Singapore. However, that is not always the best way to go. It is advisable to buy travel insurance at least 3-5 days before the day of departure. You never know what can happen. You might need to cancel your trip in case of some unforeseen problems, such as natural disasters or personal distress. Hence, it is better to get travel insurance before you start travelling.
6. Covering medical emergencies and evacuation
Travelling to new countries can be dangerous when you meet with an accident. In a foreign country, you are not aware of what to do in case of medical emergencies. As a result, you not only need to spend a lot of money but also fail to get quality medical treatment. Countries like Japan have a higher cost of living, so the medical expense will also be higher than that in Singapore. All these problems can be eradicated if you get good travel insurance in Singapore. Before you leave for a trip, get a policy to manage the hefty costs of hospitals in a foreign land. It also helps to cover the period of recovery; in case you need services such as physiotherapy after you get discharged.
Medical emergencies also include emergency evacuation. In case you want to be careful, it is advisable to choose travel insurance that assures emergency evacuation. It would cover the cost of flying you back from your travelling destination to Singapore. This ensures that you come back to your home and get the best treatment available. It is an essential factor to look into for those who have pre-existing medical conditions and are vulnerable to getting sick while travelling.
7. Covering extreme sports and activities
A lot of people like to travel to new destinations and try out adventure sports and activities. While it can be quite a thrilling experience, it can be quite risky as well. A lot of travel insurance does not cover such activities, so you need to look out for the ones that do. In case you are met with an accident when you participate in such extreme sports, travel insurance will look after all your medical bills.
8. Covers rented vehicles
In case you plan to go on a road trip and plan to rent a vehicle, you definitely need to get travel insurance. You need to look out for the ones that cover such rentals. Some travel insurances cover both motorcycles as well as four-wheelers.
To Sum It Up
To apply for the insurance, you should follow the same rules as above. There is no fixed travel insurance for everyone. Different people require different kinds of travel insurance that caters to their need. MoneyIQ SG has some of the best insurance policies. In case you are planning to go on a trip any time soon, it is recommended to get travel insurance as soon as possible. Choose the insurance company that provides you with 24-hour assistance. In case you are stuck in a foreign land, they should be quick to respond to your needs. Selecting the right one might take some time, so you need to start looking as soon as possible!